Friday, August 15, 2014

"Let the Fruits show the Tree"

What!! The pastor actually copies his Sunday Sermon outline?!

I was very surprised to come across an article in the internet with the same passage outline and the sermon preached in Church, 2 Sunday ago. 

Sermon Plagiarism? Not sure whether this is acceptable, but I feel that a pastor shouldn’t do this. I actually try other similar sermon outline for his message on my own and it is easily done. Why didn’t he try it out on his own?

The Pastor preached on a 5-fold ministry of the church from the passage in Eph 4:11-13 = (1)Apostles; (2)Prophets; (3)Evangelists; (4)Pastors; (5)Teachers. Many of the Charismatic churches use this passage as the basis to appoint their leaders as Apostles. Also in 1 Corinthian 11:28, Apostle Paul stated that: “in the church God appointed first of all apostles, second prophets,  third teachers, then workers of miracles, also those having gifts of  healing, those able to help others, those with gifts of administration, and those with speaking in different tongues.

Go, google “Fivefold ministry” and you will have a better understanding. The leaders are going to appoint an Apostle that is outside their founding leaders. What a big title! Another preacher stated that an apostle is the highest rank, like the General in the army. [I am sure he misunderstood the word, “first” in 1Cor 11:28].

Question Now, who appoint these ministries? Why is there a need to appoint Apostle?
 Answer: God

Question: So, how do we know that someone is appointed by God for a ministry?

My Answer: Let the fruits show the tree. You know that it is an apple tree by looking at its fruits. That is how God chooses it to be an apple tree. If people are blessed by your teaching, then you know what God has appointed you to be. In the same way, if every time you speak, crowd of people accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior, then you will know what God has appointed you to be. Likewise, it is for all other ministries and leaders.

Question: So, we don’t need to actually give people label and title?

My Answer: Exactly! The label and title comes naturally after a while when people see your fruits. Just keep doing what is passionate and what you know God calls you to do. Let the fruits that you bore be the label that people will tack on you. This is how God’s calling is. We should call those serving in full-time Christian ministry as “servant of God” rather than preacher, pastor, etc. Then after a while, let people see their fruits and their title will change to be Teacher so-and-so, Pastor so-and-so, Apostle so-and-so, etc.

Question: So, don’t need to appoint Apostle, meh?

Answer: Don’t need, lah.

Matthew 12:33 (NRSV) "Either make the tree good, and its fruit good; or make the tree bad, and its fruit bad; for THE TREE IS KNOWN BY ITS FRUIT."
