Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Alpha Empowerment Weekend

We have reached the discussion on the topic of the Holy Spirit in Alpha last Saturday, 25 Jun. It was a long day as we watched 3 videos on the topics about the Holy Spirit.

 The decorations were very nicely done by the administrator and Isaac. It give me sine ideas of how we can decorated our home and room!


Pastor Ben came early in the morning before Alpha start to encourage and pray for us.

RieverLife Alpha team

Pastor Ben in the middle

 Most of the participants turned up and the discussion on “who and what do the Holy Spirit do” went well. However, the pre-believer in my group still did not want to make any commitment to accept Jesus. It was a bit difficult to get her to share what her view about Christianity is to her as she remained silent since the start of Alpha. I guess, she obliged her sister-in-law to attend Alpha. We will just have to continue praying for her.

We also did some re-assurance to another participant who claim to open the door of his life to Jesus but not quite sure whether he is a Christian as he is not attending church.

Discussion during the group session

My Group 4 participants

During the ministry time, after the third video on "How to be filled with the Holy Spirit", we worked in pair to pray for the participants. There were many reactions, falling down, crying and mostly peaceful and orderly. As for me, 

I came away from this Weekend learning more to love others irregardless of how we get along or work with each others. When we serve, we only depend on the Holy Spirit. All else doesn't matter.


Thursday, June 9, 2022

Alpha Ministry Meet-In-Person

 What fun we had on our first Alpha meet-in-person session on 28 May 2022!

Due to COVID-19, Alpha ministry has been on Zoom for the year 2020 and 2021. For this year, 2022, the Alpha Ministry started on 5 May 2022. After 3 sessions on zoom, we gather in RiverLife Church on 28 May.

One of the group leader/host withdrawn and I was requested to takeover a week before Alpha started. As such, there was little time for me to prepare for the mock trial-run and also actual Alpha. So ever since Alpha started, I was busy very week preparing for the video discussion, facilitating the Whatsapp conversation and disseminating information and liaising attendances.

With in-person gathering, we are now able to have food together and a warmer fellowship, which was missing in zoom. Also, we can have some singing, to lighten the mood. Ice-breaker games are also changed from individual to team participations.

Breakfast in Alpha (food come first!)

Alpha will last for 3 month till 16 July. May God give me strength and see the salvation of pre-believer/s in my group.
