Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My Writings … my weariness

Finally, I decide to pause from my writing.

Since the end of last year, I started to pen down my thoughts and understanding on Bible Stories (or more accurately, it should be Bible Narratives). This is something I have always been fascinated about – how God chooses to reveal Himself to us through stories.

Then I started to write about Understanding Narratives. To write, I need to read and I need to study. I read many books. I study many Bible passages and Bible stories. In the cause of writing, I also sense the presence of God. Many a time, I woke up with “prompting” on certain issues I need to address in my writing. Till now, I have covered about 34 pages. Not much.

But I am tired. I want to read other books. Not academic or theological books but books that are more in tune to the soul. Books from Henri Nouwen, John Maxwell, Joyce Huggett, maybe C.S. Lewis.

So, I finally stop writing, leave a few Bible passages not completely analyzed.

Writing keep me discipline and make wise use of my time. Yah! I still have to work, family, children studies, personal jogging, etc. But writing has also occupied another space in my life. I am a bit exhausted.

As I closed my mind to pause, I remember the Wise guy who says this:

Be warned, my son, …. Of making many books there is no end, and much study wearies the body. (Ecc 12:12)


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