Saturday, June 14, 2008

Christian Discipleship is not an option

Am I a disciple of Christ?

The message during the Church Camp @ Cinta Ayu, Pulai Spring Resort in JB on 8 June 2008 was on John 15:1-17. Abiding in Christ is not an option. In verse 6, Jesus said that whoever does not abide in Him is thrown away. Without abiding in Him, we can't bear fruit. Only by bearing fruits would we prove to be His disciple (v8). These words tingle in my mind - abiding in Christ, bear fruits, what fruits?

What is abiding in Christ?
One that lives in obedience to Christ and follow Him (Mt 4:19). Am I obeying Christ? In what ways and how obedient am I?

Bearing Fruits
What fruit is Jn 15 refering to? It is bringing non-believer to come to accept Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord? Or Spiritual Fruits? Or both? Reflecting on this, it is harder to get people to accept Christ now than when we were students. Try as I may, the respond from colleagues are usually apathy and disinterested. I have tried to invite them to church, talk to them about our lives but they don't see the need for God. This is because there are no problem in their lives. Perhaps, it is good that crisis does occur to make us see how vulnerable life is and we need God. I just have to pray for them. So, still no fruits!

Discipleship loves one another (Jn 13:34,35)
Yep, I need to love other Christians in speech, thoughts and action.

Mark Lim

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