Friday, August 22, 2008

Slight Disappointment

We have our Bible Study last Sunday on "Experiencing God" after worship service. Wonder why the Men's adult is not meeting. Pastor again came and joined the group, which is ok. But I wish he could mobilise or at least gather a few men to have some healthy sharing rather than having 2 adult with the youth. I actually wanted to ask him to take over and I moved to the Men's group.

During discussion, Shannen again shared about her problem with her new boss. Then Pastor went into a counseling session: analyzing her situation, giving advices, illustrations, commenting on new bossess syndrome, etc. As a result, we didn't really move into the topics. I can understand his style. He like to talk. I was thinking for the last few days whether to ask him to take over the BS. I can then meet up with Tony and Cheong and start the Men's group again. With the 3 of us, it's OK to continue moving ahead, just like the good old days.

One thing I observe about Pastor is that he didn't know when to let go. He is present in every meetings (I hope I am wrong). It is important to let go and let others grow. There is no need to share your thoughts on every issue, and have the final say. While most of us respect him for his seminary education and leadership, I wish he can raise up more leaders himself instead of just concentrating on forming team for ministries. Then the English Committee would be very different. Right now, any members can be in the Committee and most of the time is by default.

Another dissapointment was preparing BSG material for the youth. I started to prepare the 1Timothy material since February and told him about this. Maybe he has forgotten about it and he also asked Susanto to prepare the adult BSG. As a results, there are 2 sets of material and so it wasn't very pleasant for Susanto. This time round, I have started preparing the Hebrews material without really telling anyone. 2 weeks ago, he told me that he is asking Susanto to prepare the first 3 chapters of Hebrews and wanted the adult and youth to use the same BSG material. As such, I stopped working on Hebrews. I realize that I am doing all this is because I am sort of crazy over studying the Bible. Sometimes, I can be doing thing overboard.


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