Thursday, October 22, 2009

Devotional Thoughts: Having my Sword ready at all times

Every good Christians bring along their swords!” My Bible study and follow-up leader used to tell me when I was young.

Indeed, the sword of the Holy Spirit which is the Word of God (Eph 6:17) is the only offensive weapon that Scripture tell us how Jesus Christ defeat the temptations of Satan during his 40days fast in the wilderness. If the LORD uses Bible verses to overcome temptation, how much more I need to follow in HIS steps.

Today’s Quiet Time from the Daily Bread (Psalm 119:33-40):

reminds me again of Scripture Memory and its power to shape my life. I remember when I first started Bible study with my leader, the first thing he did with me was to memorise Bible verses. We did that for one year, covering over more than 60 verses. These verses are the pinnacle of my Christian foundations which become my sword ready for all times of need. Since then, I have moved to keeping important passages like Psalm 1, Psalm 23, Psalm 121 and 1 Cor 13 into memory. They are in my sub-conscious mind. Often times, they surface in my thoughts unknowingly and suddenly to remind me to take a certain cause of action. I take this as the Holy Spirit using His word to prompt me to move towards His direction.

It is a pity that I see the younger generations of Christian not being trained in Scripture memory. In our Singapore education system, every students must memorize the 26 alphabets, the multiplication tables, the periodic tables (Chemistry), and if you are good at mathematics all the differentiation and integration in Calculus. I still remember them till these days.

How much more as Christians, we need to memorise the names and order of the 66 Books, important verses like John 3:16, 1John 1:9, Prov 3:5-6 and many more.

Have your sword ready at all times – in the head and heart!

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