Monday, March 22, 2010

Stress here, stress there... Stress Everywhere!

It has been a tough week. Probably, this week going to be quite stressful.

Finally, I received the crystal oscillators (after 6 months of waiting) from my supplier and continued to work on my project. I tested some and it seemed to work to about -20 degrees. The testing procedure is very tedious and we have to use Liquid Nitrogen to cool the cystal oscillators down to that temperature. Unfortunately, most of the crystal oscillators are not working well at about -15 degrees Celsius even though we specified to the supplier that we wanted the crystal oscillator to function properly to -30 degrees Celsius. As the products are going to the United Kingdom, I am getting very concerned. The thoughts, “Rejoice always. Pray continually. Give thanks in ALL CIRCUMSTANCES” kept appearing in my mind. Perhaps, the LORD wants to teach me to be thankful?

This morning, as I opened my email, my boss forwarded a mail from a potential customer wanting me to send them 2 sample products for their evaluation in 2 or 3 weeks times. Suddenly, my stress level shot up.

My mind shouted: “I don’t have the material to build the samples!”

There you go, any stressful week ahead. How should I answer the boss and the customer? Would I loose a very good business opportunity?

How would I “rejoice always, and give thanks in all circumstances”?

Surely, I will pray continually.

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