Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Learning to seek peace

When things go wrong, finger pointing is very common :(

Worst is when you are unknowing caught into it. And that is what I am in the midst of it now.

Since last year, we have collaboration with an Australian guy (stationed in Singapore) on a UK project. My engineer, who resigned last month was working on it and has handed over to this Australian guy since September 2009. We thought everything was going on smoothly, since we have not heard of it for the whole one year or so… Then last week, he started to find faults. He started to question our design, the way we did things and all the craps … emails that are very hard to read and swallow, and arouse an immediate retaliation.

And on many occasions, my spirit within me was very stirred up. It’s a challenge to hold on to peace. Many times, I felt like speaking up and replying to all the emails but … still it take great strength to remain calm. And thank God, the fruit of the Spirit is GENTLENESS – strength under control.

And so, I just keep to the technical issues and try to resolve the problem. As to the sarcastic remarks about our design not properly done, poor ways of doing things, etc… these are just personal opinions that I choose to ignore.

During Sunday Bible study, one verse seemed like God’s voice telling me what to do:

Depart from evil and do good;
Seek peace and pursue it.

(Psalm 34:14)

No wonder I was very much constrained in spirit not to do evil things.

Monday (yesterday):
As I was talking to my product manager who was also involved in this project, he started cursing and using the f*** word at the Australian guy (though not in his presence). I thought I was the only one getting emotional.

I am still learning to seek peace.

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