Monday, November 1, 2010

The parable of the COMING HOME

Last night, as I was walking along the quiet street along my house, thinking and praying for some people, the thought about “COMING HOME” struck me. I shall call it the parable of the COMING HOME.

OK, probably, I have read a lot about parables for the last 3 weeks. And so, it infiltrates my thoughts. You know, the story in Luke 15:11-32 about a boy who left home and was warmly welcome home by the father? Yeah, I always love to write a parable like this but with a modern and local version that is close to all our hearts. And yes, this one speaks to me right now.

I was praying for those who have left our “HOME” and have not yet come back. We or rather I as a longing father is looking out for them. Then there is another son who is helping in my home. I want this son to also join me in bringing the other brother home. Got the hint? Can guess what and who I am praying?

If you are reading this, think:
(1) Am I the son who has left home?
(2) Am I the other brother who is working at home? Would I join the father to get my brother back home?
(3) I may be not the sons or father, would I join this father (that’s me, Mark) to help bring back the son?

OK, I am blogging in parable and if it speaks to you, you probably understand what I am writing.


1 comment:

Equipping The Saints said...

In any church, there will be members who backslide and fall away. Yet, sometimes (maybe most of the time) we don't go looking for them.