Monday, April 2, 2012

Searching for the Presence of God

How do I sense the presence of God?” My daughter asked, as we were jogging towards the beach late last Sunday night.

She was leading the worship during her cell group meeting the day before. Many of those at the service felt the presence to God, but she didn’t. She wondered why, even though she was much prepared for the worship.

It is good to know that there is this desire for her to want to know God more intimately. It shows that she is searching for God. We have this meaningful discussion whenever we go jogging together.

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.” Jesus said.

“We need to understand first that God is every where” I explain. (Psa 139:7,8)

But God is holy and we are sinful, we could not sense His presence even though the Holy Spirit is in us (Rom 8:9). So for me to develop this awareness of God’s presence, the starting point for a beginner is to memorize the Word of God, meditate and ponder over it. Start with the LOGOS. (when I became a Christian, my Follow-up Leader asked me to memorize Bible verses, so that is how I grow with it)

“Since, the human mind is always thinking, why not put our thoughts on His Word, and breathe (pray) out words to Him as we reflect on these verses.” I always carry Bible verses in my wallet so that I can just go through them whenever I miss a word or two from the verses, I told her.

Also, whenever we encounter something or face some situations, just say a short prayer. Like this morning, there was a massive traffic jam due to the heavy down pour. Instead of getting impatience (or curse and swear at some inconsiderate drivers), why not pray for the situations, other drivers and safety as we navigated out of the situation. Learning to pray in all situations helps me to be aware of God’s presence at all times.

After doing this for many times, soon we develop the sensitivity to the work of the Holy Spirit. He will use God’s WORD – the LOGOS within us, to speak God’s WORD – the RHEMA to us. That is when I start to sense the presence of God and be able to hear Him. He can speak through vision/dream, imagery words and feeling. Most of my encounters with God are usually imagery words and feelings, which are usually proven true later. Usually when such a RHEMA comes to me, I just obey and act according to what is shown to me. I usually keep it to myself until it is proven to be true later. – This is call “walk by faith and not by sight” (2Cor 5:7).

Every Christian has his own way of meeting God, which may be different from what I have done and describe above. Do drop a comment and share with me. Thank you.

For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him… (2Chron 16:9 NIV)


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