Tuesday, September 21, 2021

A Christian Ministry worth supporting financially!

 “Your word was found, and I ate them.

and your word became to me a joy

and delight of my heart;

for I am called by your name,

O LORD, God of host.”

-                                              - Jeremiah Ben Hilkiah

Received yet another book from OUR DAILY BREAD (ODB) last week! ODB has always been very generous in giving out books and Bible.

Did you receive any of them?

I started daily reading on this devotional book, do some reflections and journaling. Included in this book are also a devotional daily study on the Epistle of 2Timothy by Rev Dr Robert Solomon; many life testimonies and a re-look at the ways we live “the new normal” through the current COVID-19. All the writers are our fellow Singaporeans. So it related to us very well.

Devotional Aids

For many years, I have been receiving ODB booklets. The daily devotions has really encouraged me. There are many good stories that help me to apply Scriptures into living. I also compiled many useful stories and keep them for reference and sharing when I was involve in pulpit preaching years ago. It is a good resource to be blessed by ODB. More recently, many Singaporeans also contribute devotional articles to the ODB.


ODB Booklets

ODB – NLT Bible

Did you receive the Our Daily Bread NLT (New Living Translation) Bible? I have been using this Bible for all my bible reading and meditation. In it, there are also many clip-out devotion that are related to the Bible reading passage. A wonderful and useful Bible. I will complete reading the Bible in the NLT version from this ODB Bible. So, far I have only completed reading the Bible in the GNB (Good New Bible), RSV (Revised Standard Version), NIV (New International Version) and many Bible Book Studies using the NASB (New American Standard Version). This year, I am using this NLT Version for a change.

Bible Study Guides

 Ready to move into studying the Bible book by book? Maybe not the Precept or the BSF method; but at least move into a more systematic method of doing some observation. Here, ODB takes one step further and started to write Bible Studies on Books of the Bible. From reading and meditation of the WORD of God, we are now guided to study the Bible. Great job!

They also have topical books – I particularly likes the study series on “Surviving the Storms of Stress” and also about “Joseph: Overcoming Life’s Challenges”. You will be equipped to handle stressful and challenging moments.

Christian Books

Want a good casual read about life events? Or stress out about life? Rev Dr Robert Solomon – Finding Rest for the Soul will recuperate you back with energy again! He also write for retirees like me, and in big print! Growing Old Gracefully will warm your heart. And be sure to do the reflections after each short chapters. That will spice up your soul after a good read with reflection, journaling and doing.

Another of my favourite writer is David Roper.  I used to attend his church where he was the Elder of Peninsula Bible Church in the Bay Area in California, USA back in 1985-86. His short stories in Teach Us to Number OUR DAYS will relate well to retirees.

I still have many books and materials from ODB which I am reading, studying and working through them. That is how I spend my time wisely to enrich the soul.

ODB Online

ODB has a webpage. You can access their resources also.

Link:  ODB Sg  (https://odb.sg/)

So, what are your encounter with OUR DAILY BREAD? Are you blessed by their daily devotional or books? You can write to them online if you want any material. This is one Christian Ministry that is worth supporting financially. And in turn we also benefited from their works. [ODB gives materials freely even if you don’t support them financially]

I am sure as you spend time diligently through these materials from ODB, you can say like the Prophet Jeremiah (Jer 15:16): “God’s Word is found and I eat them. They become a joy and delight of my heart.” I do, will you?

May the Good Lord blesses ODB richly.

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