Friday, January 6, 2023

Back to Singapore Bible College Library

 After more than 2 years of hiatus, I went back to the Singapore Bible College (SBC) Library to look for some books. As my membership has expired, I need to renew it. Being an alumnus of SBC, I could make use of the facilities and resources available, and for enriching myself through reading and learning.

Singapore Bible College classroom, as seen from the Library

A few days ago, I was reflecting and asking God what I should focus on in 2023. I just simply asked for 2 words - one for myself and one for the church's cell group that I was in. The word that I received for myself is "suffering", which come quite unexpected. Maybe, God want me to prepare for something which has not being revealed to me yet. And so, I have started reading and studying on the Book of Job in the Bible.

Today at SBC Library, I decided to look for some reading and study material on the Book of Job. 

An interactive Study Guide on Job - Charles Swindoll

 I particularly like Study Guides written by Charles Swindoll or Gordon Fee. Their writings, books, and study guides are usually reader-orientated kind of writing. 

I also borrowed another book - Application Commentary on the Book of Proverbs. I am journaling my reflections on Proverbs - and also hopefully to compile it  as "A proverb a day, refresh the Soul always!". This thought was conceived in 2019 which I have penned some reflections. Today, as I was packing my bags, I found the notebook with some writings. It encourages me to read them and so, I shall continue to journal on. Hopefully, by the end of the year, I should have put in much work and learning!

Let's press on in 2023 to be strong in tough and difficult times (like Job) and wise in living our lives.


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