As always, we had our prayer meeting half an hour earlier before we started the Alpha session. Usually, I come to church very early but waited at the Atrium instead of going into the Grace Chapel where we had our Alpha session.
But today, I decided to just go inside Grace Chapel and wait, being the first to arrive other than Karen the church administer and Pastor Julia. Standing in front of the screen, I saw the display of "Welcome to ALPHA". All the while my mind was just focusing on the words. Then, the prompting came - "I'm the ALPHA & OMEGA". Welcome to ALPHA is welcoming people to JESUS. So, that's what ALPHA is supposed to mean. ALPHA is Jesus, we bring people to JESUS.
Today is our last session for this first run of the ALPHA ministry. We had a wonderful time and many new friendship are forged.
This is my team members. Olia was down with COVID, while Gabriel had caught a flu and could not join us today. For my team, we are all believers and so our sharing are mostly testimonies and encounters with God. Praying that they will settle well with their new cells and for Danny, who just came from China last December and joined Riverlife Church is now serving as a Drummer in the Chinese congregation.