Saturday, August 8, 2009

Devotional Thoughts: The Input & Output of our lives

People know us by our output, not by our input.

Today’s devotion from The Daily Bread triggers the following thoughts:

Input = listening (by our ears), seeing & reading (by our eyes), thinking (by our hearts and minds)

Output = Doing (by our hands), talking (by our mouth & body languages)

It is our inputs that shape our lives. It is our outputs that will shape others lives.

The inputs are our private lives. My daily inputs are the books (including the Bible) that I read, the internet websites that I surf, the conversation that I heard, the thoughts that came suddenly to me, the nature that I observe, the newspaper, … Are these inputs healthy nourishment or pollution to my life (Jas 1:27b)?

You don’t know what my inputs are until, I blog or talk about it. Are my writing and talking timely that lessen stress to you, or encourage you? Or are they words that rub salt to your wounds? Likewise, when I do something, you evaluate them and see whether they are in line with Biblical teaching. Am I a doer of the word (Jas 1:22) and so prove that I am consistent with what I read from the Bible? Do my actions bring about blessing to the needy (Jas 1:27a)?

Beware the input and output of our lives.

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