Sunday, July 4, 2010

Coming to the end of my role …

Performing my role as a ministry leader in the church is no easy task …

For the past few weeks, I have been evaluating and pondering over my role as the Share Groups co-ordinator. It has been almost 3 years now. I could easily do the bare minimum and still get by, by remaining status quo. But being a highly driven person, I set out with a highly ambitious plan to move the share groups forward. But as I prayed for the Bible Study leaders, I realized that most of them may not be able to move as fast as I want. My plan was shelved and I need to focus on the leaders.

Are they willing to bear the cross as leaders?

Are they willing to walk the second mile as servants?

How close are their relationships with God?

I wanted very much to raise the standard of the Bible Study leaders and inculcate in them a love for the Word of God. How faithful are their devotional lives?

I believe that a leader should lead by example and be transparent in their lives. And so I started this blog, sharing my life with you all – my daily struggles, my personal thoughts and encounter with the Almighty. Hopefully, as they see my life, they will learn to shares theirs with their flock.

Secondly, I personally take on the task of training the leaders. I have voluntary taught many lessons – (1) Overview of the Book of Judges; (2) Overview of the Old Testament; (3) Studies of the Book of 1 Timothy; 2 Timothy and Titus (4) Understanding Epistles; (5) Understanding Biblical Narratives; (6) Study of the Book of 1 Peter. The most recent one is the study of 2 Samuel. How I wish the Bible Study leaders have this hunger for the Word of God. But sad to say, most of them have not showed any interest and attendance for learning are usually low. And so I could not even have more regular Bible discussion with the Bible Study leaders. Most likely, I am just NOT qualified to teach. I don’t even have a theological degree to start with. Only the church Pastor has a Master of Theology. How I wish I can learn from him! But I only hear him preach on Sunday. So my bible knowledge is limited and I failed as a teacher. Also, in my zeal to teach, I have on many occasion use life examples to point out biblical lessons. This has made many to see me as judgmental. Just today, Pastor mentioned this in his sermon that he has learnt not to be judgmental. (a repeat of what he has hinted to me previously) I understand what he meant. Thank you. I will be more careful and not give any negative life examples as I do my duty as a teacher so as not to be seen as judgmental.

So, the end of the road is near. It is about time to step aside and move on to do other things and find new pasture.

1 comment:

Mark Lim Teng Lye said...

Miss out the word "NOT" in the post. Just realize it. :((